Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our New Cookie Adventure

This is a picture of the Children Around the World Cookies. So far they include sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies. I am testing other cookie recipes, so stay tuned! I've had two cookie orders and found several volunteers to take care of the ones that didn't make the cut.

I am taking cookie orders to raise money for a trip in January to visit children in an orphanage that our family has been praying for since last February. I am so excited about the possiblity of meeting these children face to face, of learning more about them, and learning how our family can be more involved in reaching out to them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin,
    It's Monday morning here in French Camp - and it's afternoon in Ukraine! I've just checked your blog to see if there's an update - either you haven't had a chance to write yet or I'm missing it. Will check again soon. I LOVE the pictures of cookies and Anderson!!!
